(Amercian university Washington College of Law)
- Wulf A. Kaal & Craig Calcaterra, Crypto Transaction Dispute Resolution, 73 Bus. Law. 109 (2017)
Max I. Raskin, Note, Realm of the Coin: Bitcoin and Civil Procedure, 20 Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L. 969 (2015)
- Shawn Bayern, Dynamic Common Law and Technological Change: The Classification of Bitcoin, 71 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online 22 (2014)
- Reggie O’Shields, Smart Contracts: Legal Agreements for the Blockchain, 21 N.C. Banking Inst. 177 (2017)
- Jeremy Sklaroff, Comment, Smart Contracts and the Cost of Inflexibility, 166 U. Pa. L. Rev. 263 (2017)
- Kevin Werbach & Nicolas Cornell, Contracts Ex Machina, 67 Duke L.J. 313 (2017)
- 美国统一州法律委员会,《美国统一电子交易法》(1999)(经由大多数州通过,支持由电子文件、电子签字成立的合同有效)。
- 认定通过区块链技术建立的签名及记录构成有效电子签名、电子记录的州,包括亚利桑那州(A.R.S. 47-7061,于2017年3月修订)、内华达州(N.R.S. 719,于2017年6月修订)及田纳西州(T.C.A. 47-10-201, -202,于2018年3月修订)。
- 美国统一州法律委员会,《虚拟货币业务统一监管法》草案(2017年10月9日)(尚未被任何州通过):“对虚拟货币业务而言,可预测、有针对性的法律,可为虚拟货币产品和服务的使用者提供保证。同时,也可保证产品和服务的提供者如其他金融服务和产品提供者那样受到公平规制,这是本法制定的动机。”
- 美国州银行监管协会,《美国虚拟货币监管要求——示范监管框架》(2015年9月15日)指出“州应当审查州内法律、法规及释义,确保虚拟货币的使用行为至少包括下列情形:
Cryptocurrencies, Digital Currencies, and Distributed Ledger Technologies: What Are We Learning?,联邦储备系统理事会成员Governor Lael Brainard在由旧金山联邦储备银行赞助的数字货币解码会议(2018年5月15日于加利福尼亚州旧金山举行,2018 WL 2283028)发表。其认为加密货币带来革新的同时,也带来了关于投机动态、投资者和消费者保护以及洗钱风险等的挑战。尽管中央银行数字货币能够弥补加密货币面临的一些特殊漏洞,但它自身也面临着与网络安全,洗钱和零售金融系统相关的重大挑战。即便如此,批发支付的数字代币和分布式账本技术的某些方面作为加密货币的关键技术,仍有望加强传统金融工具和市场的发展。
- How Companies Are Using New Technology to Misinform Creators and Violate Federal Law, 19 N.C. J.L. & Tech. Online Edition 1 (2017)
- Antonio M. DiNizo Jr., Note, From Alice to Bob: The Patent Eligibility of Blockchain in a Post-CLS Bank World, 9 Case W. Reserve J. L. Tech. & Internet 1 (2018)
- Joshua A.T. Fairfield, Bitproperty, 88 S. Cal. L. Rev. 805 (2015)
Jake Goldenfein & Dan Hunter, Blockchains, Orphan Works, and the Public Domain, 41 Colum. J. L. & Arts 1 (2017)
- V. Gerard Comizio, Virtual Currencies: Growing Regulatory Framework and Challenges in the Emerging Fintech Ecosystem, 21 N.C. Banking Inst. 131 (2017)
- Paul H. Farmer Jr., Speculative Tech: The Bitcoin Legal Quagmire & the Need for Legal Innovation, 9 J. Bus. & Tech. L. 85 (2014)
- Wulf Kaal, Initial Coin Offerings: The Top 25 Jurisdictions and their Comparative Regulatory Responses (as of May 2018), Stan. J. of Blockchain L. & Policy, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2018)
- Gregory M. Karch, Note, Bitcoin, the Law and Emerging Public Policy: Towards a 21st Century Regulatory Scheme, 10 Fla. A & M U. L. Rev. 193 (2014)
- Trevor I. Kiviat, Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Transactions, 65 Duke L.J. 569 (2015)
- Stephanie A. Lemchuk, Note, Virtual Whats? Defining Virtual Currencies in the Face of Conflicting Regulatory Guidances, 15 Cardozo Pub. L. Pol’y & Ethics J. 319 (2017)
- Tara Mandjee, Bitcoin, Its Legal Classification and Its Regulatory Framework, 15 J. Bus. & Sec. L. 157 (2015)
- Seth McLeod, Note, Bitcoin: The Utopia or Nightmare of Regulation, 9 Elon L. Rev. 553 (2017)
- Yvonne Lootsma, Blockchain as the Newest REGTECH Application, 36 No. 8 Banking & Fin. Services Pol’y Rep. 16 (August 2017)
- Carla L. Reyes, Conceptualizing Cryptolaw, 96 Neb. L. Rev. 384 (2017)
- Carla L. Reyes, Cryptolaw for Distributed Ledger Technologies: A Jurisprudential Framework, 58 Jurimetrics 283 (2018)
- Elizabeth Sara Ross, Nobody Puts Blockchain in a Corner: The Disruptive Role of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Services Industry and Current Regulatory Issues, 25 Cath. U. J. L. & Tech. 353 (2017)
- Scott J. Shackelford & Steve Myers, Block-by-Block: Leveraging the Power of Blockchain Technology to Build Trust and Promote Cyber Peace, Yale J. L. & Tech. 334 (2017)
- Samantha J. Syska, Eight-Years-Young: How the New York BitLicense Stifles Bitcoin Innovation and Expansion with its Premature Attempt to Regulate the Virtual Currency Industry, 17 J. High Tech. L. 313 (2017)
- Laurence J. Trautman & Alvin C. Harrell, Bitcoin Versus Regulated Payment Systems: What Gives?, 38 Cardozo L. Rev. 1041 (2017)
- Kevin V. Tu & Michael W. Meredith, Rethinking Virtual Currency Regulation in the Bitcoin Age, 90 Wash. L. Rev. 271 (2015)
- United States Government Accountability Office, Virtual Currencies: Emerging Regulatory, Law Enforcement, and Consumer Protection Challenges (Report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate), GAO-14-496 (May 2014)
- 2015年6月,纽约州金融服务部颁布了“BitLicense”规范,用于“涉及纽约或纽约居民”的“虚拟货币”交易。N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 23, §§200。阿拉巴马州、康涅狄格州、马里兰州、北卡罗来纳州、俄勒冈州、宾夕法尼亚州、佛蒙特州和华盛顿州明确,其货币发行规则适用于加密货币的发行者;但伊利诺伊州、堪萨斯州、新罕布什尔州、田纳西州和怀俄明州在货币发行的定义及法规中排除加密货币发行者的适用。
- 美国统一州法律委员会,《虚拟货币业务统一监管法》(2017年)(各州通过的立法草案)
- Congressional Research Service (Edward V. Murphy, M. Maureen Murphy & Michael V. Seitzinger), Bitcoin: Questions, Answers, and Analysis of Legal Issues (October 13, 2015) (Earlier versions of this report are also available.)
Congressional Research Service (Chris Jaikaran), Blockchain: Background and Policy Issues (February 28, 2018)
- 财政部,金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN),FIN-2013-G007,《FinCEN条例在人员管理、交流或使用虚拟货币中的应用》
- 金融特别行动组(FATF)报告,《Virtual Currencies: Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks》(2014年6月)。由“制定和促进保护全球金融体系抵制洗钱、恐怖主义资助和大规模杀伤性武器资助的独立政府间机构”主持的,针对反洗钱和反恐融资,对加密货币定义、合法使用和潜在风险的简要讨论,对针对Liberty Reserve (2013), Silk Road (2013), and Western Express International (2006-2013)展开的执法行动进行了回顾。
- FinCEN, FIN-2014-R001, Application of FinCEN’s Regulations to Virtual Currency Mining Operations (2014)
- FinCEN, FIN-2014-R002, Application of FinCEN’s Regulations to Virtual Currency Software Development and Certain Investment Activity (2014)
- FinCEN, FIN-2014-R011,Request for Administrative Ruling on the Application of FinCEN`s Regulations to a Virtual Currency Trading Platform 6 (2014)
- FinCEN, FIN-2014-R012, Request for Administrative Ruling on the Application of FinCEN`s Regulations to a Virtual Currency Payment Systems (2014)
- New York State Department of Financial Services, Guidance on Prevention of Market Manipulation and Other Wrongful Activity (February 7, 2018)
财政部法律事务助理部长Drew Maloney致美国参议院财政委员会首席成员Ron Wyden的一封信写道,“FinCEN在虚拟货币方面所做的一些工作,对于推动《银行安全法》的出台至关重要,同时也保护美国金融体系免遭非法融资风险”。(2018年2月13日)
Kevin DiGrazia, Note and Comment, Cyber Insurance, Data Security, and Blockchain in the Wake of the Equifax Breach, 13 J. Bus. & Tech. L. 255 (2018)
Devon S. Connor-Green, Blockchain in Healthcare Data, 21 U.S.F. Intell. Prop.& Tech. L. J. 93 (2017)
- Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell, Digital Technology-Based Solutions for Enhanced Effectiveness of Secured Transactions Law: The Road to Perfection?, 81 L. &Contemp. Probs. 21 (2018)
- Jeanne L. Schroeder, Bitcoin and the Uniform Commercial Code, 24 U. Miami L. Rev. 1 (2015-2016)
Kevin V. Tu, Perfecting Bitcoin, 52 Ga. L. Rev. 1 (2018)
《统一商法典》(Uniform Commercial Code)第8条如何适用于通过区块链发行的无证证券?
1940年的《投资公司法》( Investment Company Act)如何适用于加密货币基金?
- Jeffrey E. Alberts & Bertrand Fry, Is Bitcoin a Security?, 21 B.U. J. Sci. &Tech. L. 1 (2015)
- Kelsey Bolin, Note, Decentralized Public Ledger Systems and Securities Law,95 Wash. U. L.Rev. 955 (2018)
- George Geis, Traceable Shares and Corporate Law [forthcoming- Northwestern University Law Review]
- J. Travis Laster & Marcel T. Rosner, Distributed Stock Ledgers and Delaware Law, 73 Bus. Law. 319 (2018)
- Michael R. Meadows, Student Article, The Evolution of Crowdfunding:Reconciling Regulation Crowdfunding with Initial Coin Offerings, 30 Loy. Consumer L.Rev.272 (2018)
- Ori Oren, Note, ICO`s, DAO`s, and the SEC: A Partnership Solution, 2018 Colum. Bus. L.Rev. 617 (2018)
- Jay Preston, Initial Coin Offerings: Innovation, Democratization and the SEC,16 Duke Tech. & L. Rev. 318 (2018)
- Reade Ryan & Mayme Donohue, Securities on Blockchain, 73 Bus. Law. 85(2017)
- Darren J. Sandler, Citrus Groves in the Cloud: Is Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining a Security?, 34 Santa Clara High Tech. L.J. 250 (2018)
- Ryan Surujnath, Note, Off the Chain! A Guide to Blockchain Derivatives Markets and the Implications of Systemic Risk, 22 Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L. 257 (2017)
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), In re Coinflip, Inc., d/b/a/Derivabit, CFTC Docket No. 15-29 (September 17, 2015)
- CFTC, In re BFXNA Inc, d/b/a/ Bifinex, CFTC Docket No. 16-19 (June 2,2016)
- CFTC, Advisory with Respect to Virtual Currency Derivative Product Listings,Staff Advisory No. 18-14 (May 21, 2018)
- SEC, Chairman John Clayton, Statement on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (December 11, 2017) ( 警告投资者与首次发行代币有关的风险;并提醒市场专业人士及其顾问,“仅仅将一个代币称为“功能”代币,或将其构造为提供某种实用工具,并不会阻止代币成为一种证券。”基于其他公司的创业或管理努力而强调盈利潜力的代币和产品,仍然具有美国法律规定的证券特征。在这一点和其他需要应用专业知识和判断力的方面,我认为,看门人以及包括证券律师、会计师和咨询师在内的其他人需要关注他们的责任。“此外,”简单地将某物称为“货币”或基于货币的产品并不意味着它不是一种证券。)
- SEC, Staff Letter: Engaging on Fund Innovation and Cryptocurrency-related Holdings (January 18, 2018)
- SEC, Divisions of Enforcement and Trading and Markets, Statement on Potentially Unlawful Online Platforms for Trading Digital Assets (March 7, 2018)
- SEC, HoweyCoins.com [click on “Token Sales,” then on “Buy Coins Now!”]
- SEC, Digital Asset Transactions: When Howey Met Gary (Plastic), Remarks by William Hinman, Director, Division of Corporate Finance, at the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit: Crypto (San Francisco, June 14, 2018) (表明比特币和以太的买卖不是证券交易)
- Simple Agreement for Future Tokens [SAFT] Whitepaper, The Saft Project: Toward a Compliant Token Sale Framework (October 2, 2017)
- SAFT, Simple Agreement for Future Tokens [form]
- The Brooklyn Project
- 2017年7月,特拉华州立法机关修改了该州《普通公司法》(General Corporation Law)第224条,以澄清“由公司或代表公司在其正常经营过程中管理的任何记录,包括股票分类帐、帐簿和分录簿,可能会继续,或者通过方法,或以某种形式,任何信息存储设备、方法或者1个或更多电子网络或数据库(包括1个或多个分布式电子网络或数据库),只要所保存的纪录能在合理的时间内转换成清晰易读的纸张形式……”
- 2018年3月,怀俄明州立法机关修改州法规标题17“授权企业使用电子网络或数据库来创建和维护企业记录;授权使用数据地址来识别公司股东;如果投票是由与数据地址相对应的网络签名签署,则授权公司接受股东该投票;以及明确对使用电子网络或数据库的具体要求……”
- Benjamin W. Akins et al., A Whole New World: Income Tax Considerations of the Bitcoin Economy, 12 Pitt. Tax Rev. 25 (2014)
- Adam Chodorow, Rethinking Basis in the Age of Virtual Currencies, 36 Va.Tax Rev. 371 (2017)
- Elizabeth E. Lambert, Note, The Internal Revenue Service and Bitcoin: A Taxing Relationship, 35 Va. Tax Rev. 88 (2015)
- Deidre A. Liedel, The Taxation of Bitcoin: How the IRS Views Cyptocurrencies,66 Drake L. Rev. 107 (2018)
- Dashiell C. Shapiro, Cryptocurrency and the Shifting IRS Enforcement Model,Stan. J. of Blockchain L. & Policy, Vol.1, Issue 1 (2018)
IRS Notice 2014-21 (April 14, 2014)(澄清“现有的一般税收原则如何适用于使用虚拟货币的交易”)
- Fiammetta S. Piazza, Bitcoin and the Blockchain as Possible Corporate Governance Tools: Strengths and Weaknesses, 5 Penn St. J. L. & Int’l Aff. 262 (2017)
SEC, Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the SecuritiesExchange Act of 1934: The DAO, Exchange Act Release No. 81207 (July 25, 2017)(得出的结论是,所提供的代币构成了证券,并建议“那些将使用去中心化的自治组织(“DAO实体”)的人,或其他以分布式分类帐或区块链为融资方式的人,[如何]采取适当的步骤以确保符合美国的联邦证券法律。”)
- Chelsea Deppert, Bitcoin and Bankruptcy: Putting the Bits Together, 32 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 123 (2015)
Alan Rosenberg, The Cryptocurrency Craze: How to Treat Bitcoins in Fraudulent-Transfer Litigation, American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) Journal, February 2018
Brad Finney, Blockchain and Antitrust: New Tech Meets Old Regs, 19Transactions: Tenn. J. of Bus. L. 709 (2018)
2016年6月,佛蒙特州修订了其法规,以控制在区块链上登记的信息的可采性 (12 V.S.A. §1913)
Benito Arrunada, Blockchain’s Struggle to Deliver Impersonal Exchange, 19 Minn. J. L. Sci. & Tech. 55 (2018)
- Excerpts from Nebraska Bar Ethics Advisory Opinion 17-03 (September 2017):
向客户提供本意见书所述的通知,最好是在律师与客户之间的费用协议中包含适当的通知。在这个框架下,客户得到了适当的通知,使用比特币作为支付不会导致向律师支付不合理的费用,而接收比特币作为支付给律师的费用符合内布拉斯加州的职业行为准则(Nebraska Code of Professional Conduct.)……
根据Neb. Ct. R. of Prof. Cond. §3-501.15(a),允许持有比特币和其他数字货币作为客户或第三方的托管或信托。这条规则允许律师代表客户存储财产和货币。该财产必须与律师的财产分开保管,妥善保管,并且账户资金或其他财产的律师必须在代理终止后五年内保存记录。比特币被视为联邦税收的财产。
出于安全考虑,律师选择以比特币接收客户支付的款项,或代表客户存储这些款项,无论是信托形式还是托管形式,都必须采取合理的安全防范措施。如果黑客窃取了比特币持有者的比特币,则没有银行或联邦存款保险(FDIC)来赔偿他们。一旦丢失,比特币可能会永远消失。合理的方法包括加密发送比特币所需的私钥。另一种方法可能包括使用多个私钥(称为“多重签名帐户”或“多重签名钱包”)来访问比特币。其他合理措施可能还包括将钱包放在与互联网断开连接的计算机或其他存储设备中(也称为“冷存储(cold storage) ”),这种方法也允许离线存储一个或多个私钥。
然而,除非转换为美元,否则比特币不能存入根据Neb. Ct. R. §§ 3-901 to 3-907 (信托基金对律师的要求)创建的客户信任的账户。因此,如果律师收到的比特币是用于支付未来的代理费用,律师必须立即将比特币转换为美元……